For over 50 years, Medicare has given us peace of mind, confident that we will have healthcare as we age. But changes over time to Medicare programs are threatening to bleed Medicare lifeless in just a few years — largely without the public knowing why.

Please plan to join us on April 18 at the Stillwater Public Library from 6:30-7:45 pm to learn what’s happening behind the scenes.
Mark your calendars for this can’t miss event.
Local physician, Ken Engelhart, will speak about How Medicare Advantage Plans and Corporate Profiteering are Bankrupting Medicare and What We Can Do About It.
We’ll learn that Medicare could be bankrupted as early as 2030 and the reasons that it is being bankrupted will make your blood boil. We will also explore what we can do to make our voices heard on this important issue.
Ken Engelhart, MD, activist and advocate with Health Care for All Minnesota, graduated from Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans in 1978. He then completed his internal medicine residency at Mayo Clinic in Rochester in 1981. He worked in rural South Dakota for four years and then worked in primary care at the Marshfield Clinic from 1986 to 2006. In 2006 he began a career at the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis Minnesota. He became the Co-Chief of primary care medicine where he was involved in beginning the patient centered medical home, helping achieve improved quicker access to veterans in primary care at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.

He was one of the leaders at the Minneapolis VA on a special outreach project to provide a new Hepatitis C medication treatment to all Veterans who met the treatment criteria. He has had the varied experience of working in a small rural clinic, a larger health maintenance organization clinic, and a publicly funded and delivered care system at the VA Medical Center. Ken is passionate about educating the public on issues with our current health care system and advocating for universal, single payer financing for health care in Minnesota and in the U.S.