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Speak up about the US Supreme Court: Ask your MoC to Support the SCERT Act

The Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act (H.R. 926) creates meaningful and enforceable ethical guidelines for the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS). Speak up now and ask for Supreme Court reform. A hallmark of our democracy is a judicial system that holds all people to the same legal standard and upholds the fundamental rights of all people. The Supreme Court sits at the top of our system of justice. We need SCOTUS to be a fair arbiter of the law and constitution.

Today’s Supreme Court is not living up to this standard. The right-wing majority on the court is pursuing its conservative agenda from the bench and is engaging off the bench in unethical behavior unbecoming of a justice of the highest court in the land. We can and must restore the Supreme Court to an institution of respect and regard. Currently, there are two bills before the Congress that address these issues, the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act and the Judiciary Act. In this issue we are focusing on the SCERT Act; next issue we’ll focus on the Judiciary Act.


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